BMXTRIX Viewer- Chad Day

Okay, most people don't know who Dave Nourie is. He was factory Haro back in the
day. He was one of the best old school riders ever and was just a fun rider to watch. I
saw him try a funky chicken once and not have much luck with the whole scuffing thing. But
balance and hopping tricks... They were just fun to watch. So while you may not see this
at a contest, it is still a fun trick and looks pretty cool when you do it.
- Ride as slowly as you can with your right foot on the left pedal
and your left foot on the left front peg.
- Grab the front brakes and twist the handlebars 90 degrees. Your
right hand should be holding both the seat and the handlebar at the same time.
- Take your right foot off the pedal and put it out for balance (do
this as soon as you have twisted the bars). You won't be moving at all- just balancing.
You can learn this first without riding in!
- Quickly put your left and right foot ON TOP of the tire on either
side of the fork. You will have the left grip of the handlebars between your legs and be
facing toward the rear wheel. Let go of your brakes!!! (You can also learn this part
without riding in)
- You can actually sit down on the handlebars. While this isn't
really comfortable it does allow you to take your hands off the handlebars altogether and
balance with just your feet. Try not to let the handlebars twist sideways!
- If you have never done this much before then spend a few days
learning both the balance with your foot on the peg and your balance with both feet on the
tire. These are variations of Track Stands and you REALLY want to know how to do them well
before going on...
- NOW... Grab the seat and right grip with your LEFT hand. Stand on
your feet on the tire and push your hips as far over the handlebars as you can. Put the
end of the left grip just below your belly button.
- Reach down to the front tire with your right hand and grab the
tire with your hand and take BOTH feet off of the tire. Use your hand to balance yourself.
- All of your weight is on your stomach... Take your feet and put
them up OVER your head. Try to push your feet up as high as they will go. This is
definitely old school 'hella inverted' (ha).
- To ride out reverse all of the steps above and step to the pedals
and ride away.
IT HAS BEEN SAID BEFORE: Don't always expect old school tricks to
be EASY... This isn't one of the more difficult tricks but it does combine a lot of
different balancing tricks. If you learn it in half an hour you should move straight to
dump trucks and hitchhikers probably :-)
There really isn't much that you can link into or out of Nourie
Stands. If you create a combo into Nourie Stands that is new and cool- let me know!
Otherwise, just have fun with a trick that is one of the all time classics!
If you have a question about this trick please feel free to e-mail
it in...
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